Enchantment and delight


I find myself more enchanted with the world than ever before. I could stop and marvel at a rock for hours, thinking about all the lives its seen walk past who’ve never even noticed this ancient being witnessing them.

I wonder what it looks like to god, to see the trees show off, twirling in cosmic time as they adorn themselves with new petals and fresh blooms, delighting in themselves and this season of juicy aliveness.

I look around and see how this is all the garden of the goddess where she tends to each one of us (plant, human, animal, element, and beyond) with devotional curiosity. She’s always right here loving us through the food we eat, the air we breathe, the sunlight we see, the desires we long for, the moments that touch our hearts. All to hopefully awaken us to Her presence.

My deepest wish is that we can all become more enchanted with the world. To realize how much this land loves us creates a sacred bond (Robin Wall Kimmerer) that connects us with a more intimate immediacy.

Because what you’re looking for is right here: the sense of security, belonging, reciprocity, abundance, unconditional love, it’s all right here.

This is what we’re cultivating and practicing in The Garden: how to be in sacred relationship with the earth of our bodies and the earth we live in/on. The microcosm AND the macrocosm. How to tend to ourselves with loving and devotional curiosity.

We do this through exploring the 5 elements, how they manifest within us, and how to clarify / strengthen each of their powers.

If you're looking for a space to explore your inner terrain and realize just how intimately connected you are with Nature (because you ARE Nature), this is for you.

If the depth you're craving is found in paving your own path, cultivating the sacred within, asking courageous questions, and living from your power, this is for you.

If you're wanting a brave space to talk about the things that are typically hushed, be seen in your Wholeness, and hone your wild women's wisdom, this is for you.

Come learn what it feels like to be well nourished and be enchanted by the wilderness of your body. Experience a more intimate way of living.

The Garden plans start at $22/mo. Sprouting member rates are available until 4/22.

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